Have you thought about incorporating smudging as part of your practice and you are unsure where to start or how to begin? If you smudge your home with sage, you are practicing a smoke ceremony that promotes positive energy and transformation while blessing your space. Smudging takes some tools and patience, when learning how to smudge your space.
What Is Smudging?
Smudging is a way to cleanse a space to initiate and welcome positive energy. When smudging a space, you burn plant material which fills and purifies the space. As the smoke rises, your intentions are intertwined and presented to the universe as a way to connect heaven, earth, and humanity. Burning aromatic herbs and resins is found in many cultures and spiritual religious practices. Smudging, though, is primarily associated with Indigenous traditions and tribal practices in the United States.
There are various plant and herbs you can use for smudging. Some common plants and herbs include sage, cedar, sweet grass, eucalyptus, lavender, and combinations of these and many other plants or herbs. Smudging bundles vary from simplistic to elaborate combinations of plants, herbs, flowers, and even fruit. However, White Sage is probably the most common herb for smudging. White sage is associated with purity and has a strong, heavy presence. Sage very useful when cleansing a larger space or area.

If you are unable to burn smudging materials due to smoke sensitivity, apartment dwelling, or other limitation, there are other options. You can utilize smudge sprays or incents as an alternative.
Preparing and Gathering Tools
Before you begin the ceremony to sage your space, here are a few steps and tools needed to get prepared.
- Tidy your space
- Smudge stick or bundle that appeals to your senses: Sage blends, rose, cedar, mugwort, rosemary, basil, and many more options.
- Candle to light your smudge stick or bundle: You may have to relite your stick or bundle during her cleansing, depending on the size of your space.
- Fireproof container: This is for catch ashes or embers that may fall. Traditionally this is an abalone shell to bring in the water element into the ceremony. Whatever container you select to use, it should only be used for smudging ceremonies.
- Bowl of Sand: This is used to properly and safely extinguish
Smudging the Space
Now that you have all your tools in place, you can begin the smudging ritual. It’s time to begin.
Start at the front door of the space and light your smudge stick. Then, begin to move slowly around the space in a clockwise direction. Moving around a space in a clockwise manner is called “circumambulation.” It’s a practice that’s been done for centuries in ancient cultures to make a space more sacred.
Move mindfully and with care, around the entire interior perimeter of your space. Allow the smoke to drift into the hidden spaces, such as dark corners, closets, basements, and cabinets. If you have stairs, go up or down the stairs so you can smudge the upper or lower levels of your space. Then keep moving clockwise until you meet the stairs again. Then continue to go down or up the staircase so you are able to resume smudging on the main floor.
It’s helpful to chant a mantra or a prayer that is meaningful to you as a way to fill the space with more cleansing vibrations.
Closing the Ceremony
When you have completed the smudging and returned at the front door, chant your final mantra or prayer. Visualize the entire space filled with bright white sunlight. Then speak your intention one last time to close the smudging ceremony.
A smudging ritual is a beautiful and effective technique to cleanse and bring positive energize into your space. A smudging ritual especially powerful to perform a space clearing when you first move into a new home or rearranging your space. However, you can also smudge your space at any time when you feel negative, sluggish, anxious, stressed or off balance.