

Throughout history, humans walked barefoot or wore thin shoes. Not only has rubber-soled shoes increased, but they are also the most common choice. Not only has footwear changed, so has modernization has created barriers and complicated us from releasing the transfer of essential electrons building free radicals in the body.


Earthing, also known as grounding, has been linked to many health benefits. While there may be skepticism around this practice, the research supports the effects for positive changes and impacts within our mental and physical health. From pain reduction to improved sleep and even decreases in inflammation, earthing is a wonderful a holistic approach to wellness. 


There are many types of grounding. However, they all focus on reconnecting yourself to the earth. This can be done through either direct or indirect contact with the earth.


Walking Barefoot

Walking barefoot in the grass, sand, or even the mud, allows your skin to touch the ground and connect with nature. Allowing your bare feet to connect to the earth and nature is one of the simplest ways to ground yourself.

You can take your barefoot walk to a deeper level by taking a walk under the moonlight. Allow the moon to light your path and cleanse the sole.


Lying on the Ground

Finding a secure spot in the park or on the beach might be more challenging as a means for grounding. However, lying in the grass or sand increases the skin contact with the earth for grounding. This is a perfect time for cloud scrying which is likely something we all did as a child; we just didn’t know that it had a fancy title or name. Cloud scrying is simply meditating with your eyes open. Clear you mind and decipher the shapes, words, or images within the clouds. You can do this to your favorite MP3 playlist and mute your phone notification to reduce distraction. 

Although this is a means for grounding, be aware of your surroundings and avoid any place that could lead you to danger or harm. 

Submersing in Water

Water is another option for grounding. There is support for utilizing the earth’s element of water by wading or swimming in a clear water source such as a lake or ocean. If you select this method of grounding, make sure that the waters are clean, and you are aware of any potential environmental hazards or personal limitations.

You might be trying to make the connection between earthing and magic. When considering the elements that are within nature, everything has the potential to become imbalanced. Within nature, we can see the imbalance when an area experience flooding, presenting an imbalance of the element of water. Yet flooding rivers are needed to bring a renewal to the land’s fertility.

When thinking of the elements as part of the imbalance that we experience, take a personal inventory as to what element might be imbalanced.

  • Air: Too much of this element often manifests in spending a lot of time in your head, overthinking things, and suffering from anxiety, insomnia and difficulty relaxing. The restlessness often lends the visualization of leaves rustling on the tree as the wind blows on a fall day or the storm winds disrupting the stillness of night.
  • Earth:  Too much of this element often manifests in tendencies to be stubborn, stuck in your ways, a homebody, or reluctance to seek new experiences. This can be confused with “stuck in a patter” or feelings of complacency.
  • Fire:  Too much of this element often manifests in increased anger, rage, or even a passionate love affair that will never end well.  When faced with a problem or unwanted situation, we tend to “burn the bitch down” rather than take action to problem solve. Times of a quick and harsh tongue are present, and tolerance is rather low.
  • Water:  Too much of this element floods our life with emotional instability, insecurity and deep sadness. As the water rises and reseeds, so does the emotional ups and downs that we are likely to experience.

In balancing these elements, you can add a daily grounding ritual into our practice. By starting your morning with 5 minutes of earthing you open your day to a balance and harmony within the elements. I know we all have 5 minutes to invest. Just by establishing and utilizing a sitting area outside of your home for coffee, tea, or even breakfast, you begin to initiate balance as the sunlight or daybreak pours across your face. And if your day doesn’t start in the morning hours, set by the light of the sunset or moonlight just the same.

No matter what it looks like or how it is incorporated in practice, remember earthing or grounding lends to balance and reconnects us to Mother Earth.  Have you been earthing today?  

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